Haines Recovery Position

    recovery position

  • The recovery position or coma position refers to one of a series of variations on a lateral recumbent or three-quarters prone position of the body, in to which an unconscious but breathing casualty can be placed as part of first aid treatment.
  • The position a person is placed in after receiving first aid for choking or cardiopulmonary resuscitation. (43)

haines recovery position

Recovery Act Positions West Valley Demonstration Project for Decommissioning

Recovery Act Positions West Valley Demonstration Project for Decommissioning
A two-foot by two-foot concrete column was installed in the corner of the Off Gas Cell to shield workers from a high radiation area. The shielding is necessary to allow workers to safely enter the area to conduct work.

Thanks to an influx of nearly $63 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds, the West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP) in southwestern New York State was able to complete a number of projects at the site, as the facility prepares to transition to the first phase of site decommissioning.

The recovery position!

The recovery position!
A publicity stunt to show off the variety of vehicles available from Quicksilver Recovery Services. At the bottom is the Scania telescopic low-loader (Oxford Diecast) with the Scania overboom (Cararama/scratchbuilt) and Iveco slide-bed (Del Prado/Cararama hybrid) on its back. On top of the Iveco is our smallest recovery vehicle, the little Mercedes spec lift, which again has a Cararama back end, in this case grafted to a Majorette cab.